Are The Texas Lottery Proceeds Going To Education?

5 Feb

The education lottery is something most people (like myself) pay no attention to. I never really sat down and thought of the lottery benefitting the educational system. As much as i hear people complaining about how education has gotten worse this makes me think if the lottery money is really benefitting education in any way. Many public schools are experiencing budget cuts, lay off’s, and larger class sizes; things that the lottery should be helping to improve  but there are more problems than solutions. State Sen. Wendy Davis stated that “people mistakenly think the lottery funds a majority of public education, but it’s not even close.” The proceeds just added $1 billion dollars to the states school fund. The money ended up getting taken back out. So in my opinion the name education lottery is misleading because it doesn’t support education all that much. Maybe they just want people to think the proceeds go to education so that they will be more willing to spend money on it.

I found this article on

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